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Identifying AI-Enabled Phishing: What You Need to Know

AI-enabled phishing is a type of cyber attack that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to create more convincing and personalized phishing emails. By analyzing a target’s social media activity, online behavior, and other personal data, cybercriminals can create phishing emails that appear to be legitimate and are more difficult to identify as fake.

For example, if an attacker knows that a target is interested in a particular hobby or product, they may use that information to create a phishing email that appears to be related to that interest. They may also use AI to analyze the target’s email communication patterns and create a phishing email that appears to be from someone they know or have previously communicated with.

To identify AI-enabled phishing, it is important to be aware of the tactics used by cybercriminals. Some signs that an email may be a phishing attempt include:

1. Urgency or pressure to take action immediately
2. Requests for sensitive information, such as passwords or account numbers
3. Suspicious sender email addresses or domains
4. Poor grammar or spelling mistakes in the email
5. Unusual or unexpected requests or offers

It is also important to verify the legitimacy of an email by checking with the purported sender through a separate communication channel, such as a phone call, to confirm that they did in fact send the email.

To protect yourself and your organization from AI-enabled phishing attacks, it is important to stay informed about the latest phishing trends and techniques, attend security awareness training sessions, use anti-phishing software and keep your anti-virus and anti-malware software up-to-date, implement email filters to block suspicious emails, use multi-factor authentication (MFA), and be cautious of unsolicited emails or messages from unknown sources.

By being vigilant and taking proactive steps to protect your online security, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to a phishing attack.